“No puede haber una empresa sana en un medio social enfermo, porque tarde o temprano los males del medio repercuten en su desempeño. Por eso, el empresario responsable debe necesariamente comprometerse en la solución de los problemas sociales”.
Manuel Carvajal Sinisterra, 1960
Is a non-profit organization, it was created in 1961 thanks to the donation made by Carvajal of the 23% of them shares, becoming the company the main shareholder, an maintaining the goal of promote the welfare of the poorest communities of Valle del Cauca (Colombia)
The foundation is developing projects in: Aguablanca, Ladera and other 14 municipalities. They contribute to generate incomes, educations, housing, etc. These projects are developed thank to some alliances with entities of the private and public sector.
1. Generation of incomes: offering projects oriented to help communities with the different stages of productive processes. Improving the capabilities, productivity, competitiveness, and the entering to markets with PYMES
2. Education: Providing opportunities of quality creating access to information and knowledge. Articulating the education as a central base of the in programs to develop by Fundación Carvajal.
Goals - campaigns: Improve the capacity to offer education, better initial education, create citizens formed with quality education, avoid violence using education.
3. Housing: Providing technical assistance in the building of houses in the communities.
main pillars:
•social interest houses
•Improving of bad conditions houses
•Building of houses in proper places
4. Corporative projects: make the projects developed by Fundacion Carvajal focused on integral development with the use of social intervention programs contributing to the creation of a better quality of life of the communities selected by the foundation.
How they work??
nice blog and very good additional information also your thoughts are very interesting.